Welcome to pyILT2's documentation!

pyILT2 is a python library/API to access the NIST Standard Reference Database #147, aka Ionic Liquids Database - ILThermo v2.0 . It comes with pyilt2report , a simple command line tool for search requests.


The author is not affiliated to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)!


You can install the latest version from the Python package index. From the command line, enter (in some cases you have to precede the command with sudo):

$ pip install pyilt2

More information about the usage and how to get and install pip you find in the PIP documentation.

To install it manual, download the archive, unpack it, and type (in some cases you have to precede the command with sudo):

$ python setup.py install



For the usage of the database ILThermo, not this software, please cite:

  1. Kazakov, A.; Magee, J.W.; Chirico, R.D.; Paulechka, E.; Diky, V.; Muzny, C.D.; Kroenlein, K.; Frenkel, M. "NIST Standard Reference Database 147: NIST Ionic Liquids Database - (ILThermo)", Version 2.0, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, 20899, http://ilthermo.boulder.nist.gov.
  2. Dong, Q.; Muzny, C.D.; Kazakov, A.; Diky, V.; Magee, J.W.; Widegren, J.A.; Chirico, R.D.; Marsh, K.N.; Frenkel, M., "ILThermo: A Free-Access Web Database for Thermodynamic Properties of Ionic Liquids." J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2007, 52(4), 1151-1159, doi: 10.1021/je700171f.

Final Note

There is no official web API available to access ILThermo, which could have been used here. Therefore the stability of this library depends on the stability of the JSON/javascript framework of the webservice.

Indices and tables