
BibTeX entry types

Here is a list of valid BibTeX entry types with a description when to use them [1].

There is a separate class available for each entry type, which is derived from the Entry class. The names of the mandatory tags (as listed in the table) are stored in the respective (Entry.mandatoryTags) property, e.g. for the type article in Article.mandatoryTags.


If you need to use the keyword in the context of this library, always use lowercase diction!

Keyword Description (mandatory tags)
article An article from a journal or magazine. (author, title, journal, year)
book A book with an explicit publisher. (author or editor, title, publisher, year)
booklet A work that is printed and bound, but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution. (title)
inbook A part of a book, e.g., a chpater, section, or whatever and/or a range of pages. (author or editor, title, chapter and/or pages, publisher, year)
incollection A part of a book having its own title. (author, title, booktitle, publisher, year)
inproceedings An article in a conference proceedings. (author, title, booktitle, year)
manual Technical documentation. (title)
mastersthesis A master’s thesis. (author, title, school, year)
misc Use this type when nothing else fits. (None)
phdthesis A Ph.D. thesis. (author, title, school, year.)
proceedings Conference proceedings. (title, year)
techreport A report published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series. (author, title, institution, year)
unpublished A document having an author and title, but not formally published. (author, title, note)

BibTeX entry tags

Here is a list of processed BibTeX entry tags (aka fields) with a description what they should content [1].


If you need to use the keyword in the context of this library, always use lowercase diction!

Keyword Description
abstract The abstract, which can contain multiple lines.
address Usually the address of the publisher or other institution.
annote An annotation.
author The name(s) of the author(s), in BibTeX name format.
booktitle Title of a book, part of which is being cited.
chapter A chapter (or section or whatever) number.
comment A comment.
crossref The database key of the entry being cross-referenced.
doi The digital object identifier (DOI) of the publication.
edition The edition of a book (e.g., “Second”).
editor Name(s) of editor(s), in BibTeX name format.
howpublished How something strange has been published.
institution Institutuion sponsoring a technical report.
isbn International Standard Book Number
journal Journal name. Abbrevations are provided for many journals.
key Used for alphabetizing, cross-referencing, and creating a label when the author is missing.
keywords Keywords
month The month in which the work was published or, for an unpublished work, in which it was written.
note Any additional information that can help the reader.
number The number (issue) of a journal, magazine, technical report, or work in a series.
organization The organization that sponsors a conference or that publishes a manual.
pages One or more page numbers or range of numbers.
publisher The publisher’s name.
school The name of the school where the thesis was written.
series The name of a series or set of books.
title The work’s title.
type The type of a technical report(e.g., “Research Note”).
url URL of the publication document.
volume The volume of a journal or multivolume book.
year The year of publication or, for an unpublished work, the year it was written.

BibTeX name format

To ensure that BibTeX it self, as well as this library (e.g. Entry.authors) handle the contents of the author tag properly, this has to be in a proper format.

A valid BibTeX name format is: “John Doe and …” or “Doe, John and …”.


Unfortunately even official sources, like e.g. publishers’s web sites, often provide BibTeX citations to download, which didn’t fulfill this format, so be careful.

Footnotes & References

[1](1, 2) taken from http://bib-it.sourceforge.net/help/fieldsAndEntryTypes.php