Source code for biblib

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This package contains object classes and functions to manage BibTeX entries and databases within Python.

Terms are used here according to

__license__ = "MIT"
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
from .version import __version__
__revision__ = filter(str.isdigit, "$Revision: 216 $")

# main modules
from ._entry import (Entry, Techreport, Phdthesis, Misc, Inproceedings, Incollection, Unpublished,
                     Manual, Mastersthesis, Proceedings, Book, Booklet, Inbook, Article)
from ._bibdb import BibDB, StorageBibDB, StringBibDB, FileBibDB, SqliteBibDB, DoiBibDB, IsbnBibDB, BibDBCollection
from ._btfile import (BibTexFile, BibTexFileSet)

__all__ = ['Entry', 'Techreport', 'Phdthesis', 'Misc', 'Inproceedings', 'Incollection', 'Unpublished',
        'Manual', 'Mastersthesis', 'Proceedings', 'Book', 'Booklet', 'Inbook', 'Article',
        'BibDB', 'StorageBibDB', 'StringBibDB', 'FileBibDB', 'DoiBibDB', 'IsbnBibDB', 'SqliteBibDB',
        'db_from_string', 'db_from_file', 'db_from_doiList', 'db_from_isbnList',
        'entry_from_doi', 'entry_from_isbn',
        'db_to_string', 'db_to_file', 'entry_to_string',
        'BibTexFile', 'BibTexFileSet',

[docs]def entry_from_doi(doi): """ Creates an entry object by DOI. :param str doi: DOI ss string :return: BibTeX entry object :rtype: :class:`.Article` | :class:`.Book` | ... """ return DoiBibDB()[doi]
[docs]def entry_from_isbn(isbn): """ Creates an entry object by ISBN. :param str isbn: ISBN ss string :return: BibTeX entry object :rtype: .Book """ return IsbnBibDB()[isbn]
[docs]def db_from_string(bibStr, method=None): """ Function parsing a BibTeX bibStr containing one or more entries and returns a BibTeX database object. :param unicode bibStr: input BibTeX string :param str method: keyword for merging method (see :meth:`.BibDB.add_entry`) :return: BibTeX database object :rtype: .BibDB """ srcDb = StringBibDB(bibStr) db = BibDB() db.merge_bibdb(srcDb, method) return db
[docs]def db_from_file(filename, method=None): """ Function parsing a BibTeX file containing one or more entries and returns a BibTeX database object. :param str filename: input BibTeX file :param str method: keyword for merging method (see :meth:`.BibDB.add_entry`) :return: BibTeX database object :rtype: .BibDB """ srcDb = FileBibDB(filename) db = BibDB() db.merge_bibdb(srcDb, method=None) return db
from .storage import DoiReadStorage
[docs]def db_from_doiList(doiList, method=None): """ Function to retrieve BibTeX citation entries by their DOI and returns a BibTeX database object. :param list doiList: list of DOIs as strings :param str method: keyword for merging method (see :meth:`.BibDB.add_entry`) :return: BibTeX database object :rtype: .BibDB """ storage = DoiReadStorage() entries = storage.readEntries(doiList).values() return BibDB(entries, method)
from .storage import IsbnReadStorage
[docs]def db_from_isbnList(isbnList, method=None): """ Function to retrieve BibTeX citation entries by their ISBN and returns a BibTeX database object. :param list isbnList: list of ISBN numbers as strings :param str method: keyword for merging method (see :meth:`.BibDB.add_entry`) :return: BibTeX database object :rtype: .BibDB """ storage = IsbnReadStorage() entries = storage.readEntries(isbnList).values() return BibDB(entries, method)
[docs]def db_to_string(db, encoding='ascii'): """ Returns the BibTeX code of a database objects as a string. :param db: BibTeX database :type db: .BibDB :param str encoding: string encoding :return: BibTeX code :rtype: str :raises TypeError: if *db* is not a valid database object """ strDB = StringBibDB('', encoding=encoding) strDB.merge_bibdb(db) return str(strDB)
[docs]def db_to_file(db, filename, encoding='ascii'): """ Writes a database objects to a BibTeX *file*. :param db: BibTeX database :type db: .BibDB :param str filename: output file name :param str encoding: string encoding :raises TypeError: if *db* is not a valid database object """ FileBibDB(filename, encoding).merge_bibdb(db)
[docs]def entry_to_string(entry, ckey=None, encoding='ascii'): """ Returns the BibTeX code of an Entry objects as a string. If *ckey* is not defined, the object attribute :attr:`.Entry.ckey` will be used. :param entryObj: BibTeX Entry :type entryObj: :class:`.Article` | :class:`.Book` | ... :param ckey: citation-key :type ckey: str :param str encoding: string encoding :return: BibTeX code :rtype: str :raises TypeError: if *entryObj* is not a valid Entry object """ db = StringBibDB('', encoding=encoding) db.add_entry(entry, ckey) return str(db)